Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mercy Said No

After a 25 hour journey to Kampala, Uganda, Joseph Roberts, the director of Agape Home picked us up at the airport. We piled into the van and Joseph prayed to begin our visit. He prayed that God be glorified and Christ be magnified and gave praise to God for sending His Son so those who believe in Him would no longer be separated from Him but would be washed white as snow through the blood of Christ. We who were far off could now be alive with Christ. As the name of Jesus was lifted up in prayer, in the background on the van's radio played "Mercy Said No." God's presence filled the van and entered our hearts and gave focus and clarity to the reason we are here. We want to know Jesus more and live our lives seeking Him and be with Him in whatever He is doing to bring His Kingdom on the earth.

A few hours later, the Gospel of Jesus Christ was evident in the faces of 25 children who just want to be loved and give love. Many have life stories that you and I could never comprehend, yet they sang with joy in their hearts, "I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that Cross." A young girl who had been abandoned dropped to her knees to worship. How can this happen that children who have been through horrendous circumstances can worship Christ in abandon? It's Jesus, only Jesus, who took our place on the Cross and was raised to life so we may be adopted sons and daughters of the King.  As followers of Jesus Christ, we will reign with Him forever. The Gospel is the only thing that can give new life.

Whitney, a young girl at Agape grabbed my hand and taught me a new song.

It's OK, it's OK.
In Uganda, in Uganda.
It's OK
The World, it's OK.
In the land of Agape,
Where there is God 's love.
No sorrows,
No worries,
At All.

I cannot put into words or pictures of the beauty in a life rescued and the raw, real worship of ones who lives have been transformed because "Thank You, Jesus. Mercy Said No". I hope today that you spent time time in heart worship of the One who gave you life. No matter what you have done or haven't done or what circumstances life has given you, if you have life in Jesus Christ, we have reason to celebrate and give Him praise from the rising of the sun to its setting. 

For God so loved the world, that He sent His son to save 
 From the cross He built a bridge to set us free
Oh, but deep within our hearts, there is still a war that rages
And makes a sacrifice so hard to see
As midnight fell upon the crucifixion day
The light of hope seemed oh so far away

As evil tried to stop redemption's flow

Mercy said no

I'm not gonna let you go

I'm not gonna let you slip away
You don't have to be afraid

Mercy said no

Sin will never take control

Life and death stood face to face

Darkness tried to steal my heart away
Thank You Jesus, Mercy said no

* We couldn't get pictures uploaded. Check back another day.