Monday, January 28, 2013

The Reality That Creates Clarity

A teen whose only knowledge of Jesus is a curse word, a man who believes God is dead,  a mom who believes the Bible except if it contradicts her lifestyle-this is the reality we live in. The values that Christians hold are no longer the prevailing view in society and Jesus is excluded from many arenas.  Recently, Louie Giglio a pastor from Passion City church in Atlanta, was initially asked to pray at the Presidential inauguration and was pounced on by progressive groups for a sermon on the Biblical view of homosexuality. Four years earlier, Rick Warren, who holds to the same Biblical view, conducted the prayer. His teachings on homosexuality were never called into question. In just a few short years,  Christians are expected to evolve their views with the majority and renounce any former stance stating otherwise. The majority does not establish morality, God does. "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God stands forever." (Is. 40:8). God Himself declares, "I am the Lord, I change not." (Mal. 3:6)

 Is America a post-Christian nation? Certainly, Christians in America do not experience the  persecution found in many countries but at the very least it has become an increasingly secularized nation with growing hostility to Christian views. Most often we respond with frustration. We are told to accept so many things and be careful not to offend anyone, yet being a Christian is rarely accepted and often ridiculed.

 In many other parts of the world, Christians are forced into hiding or imprisoned and even killed for their faith. Christianity is now arguably the most persecuted religion in the world. But this reality can force a new clarity among God's people of what is truly important, the transforming power of the Gospel.

 As we press forward in this new world, any fear or doom that has overtaken the church should be replaced with hope and a holy passion for Jesus and His renown.

"For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God,
which is in you through the laying on of hands. 
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid,
but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 
So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord
or of me His prisoner. Rather join with me in suffering for 
the Gospel, by the power of God. he has saved us and 
called us into a holy life-not because of anything we have
done but because of His own purpose and grace." (2Tim 1:6-9)

Jesus is alive, hell is real and eternity is long.  There is a God and He has a purpose on this earth for everyone of us. We can be a part of carrying Jesus to the world. Let's never forget that.

For too long, America has been saturated with truth yet so unaffected by it. Now a stripping away of sorts is beginning to take place in this new society.  There are less smoke screens because, why fake Christianity when it's more accepted to not be one? There is no need to go to church just because you always have. There is no longer a need to fight over unessential theological issues or to sit around and wait for the next speaker or newest programming for entertainment. Cultural religion gives way to real, authentic faith. True disciples of Jesus in a society that is hostile to Christians will find themselves with a desperate hunger for  truth and anything that has the aroma of Jesus. There is a new longing  to gather and truly meet with Him, worship Him and be around people who love Jesus. A desire  to say His name and dream big and talk about how to make Him known when it is lonely and costly.

Instead of wishing for what is lost and trying to return to an idealized past of American Christianity, perhaps what is really lost is complacency, apathy, compromise and comfort. The shallow faith that we can take it or leave it is being awakened to a deep hunger for a real love relationship with Jesus and living through the power of the Spirit.

"Awake, sleeper and rise from the dead
and Christ will shine on you." Eph. 5:14

We have never had to fight for truth, but maybe now we will feel the five smooth stones in our hand and believe we are equipped in spite of everything. Living in a secularized society should push us deep in authentic faith where we are dependent on the Spirit and must continually ask God to "fill us with the knowledge of His will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that we may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that we may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the Kingdom of Light. For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption of sins." ( Col. 1:9-13)

There can be no more wasting time and energy feeling inadequate or insecure about the task at hand.  Just as the young boy offered all that he had with 5 loaves and 2 fishes, Christ took it and fed 5000. (John 6) It is time to offer all that we are for Jesus to break us and feed in abundance the world that is hungry for the Bread of Life. Jesus did not need the boy or his food. He could have fed 5000 and more all by himself but He chose that boy to be part of His story and the boy was willing to give everything. After Jesus fed the masses, He said to His disciples," Gather the pieces that are left over and see that nothing is wasted." (v. 12) God can take the broken  pieces of  life and multiply it beyond our wildest expectations so nothing is wasted to advance His Kingdom. He gives "beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness" so that He might be glorified. (Isa 61:3)  He created us in His own image. You may think you have little to offer, but God sees you, messes, insecurities and all and chooses you. He thinks you are beautiful and He wants you to be part of His story. "As the Father has sent me, I also send you." (John 20:21)

We were made for such a time as this, so will we offer God all that we are for Him to use for His glory and our joy?  What an incredible opportunity to support, encourage and inspire each other along the way to be The Church outside the four walls in every moment of every day. Jesus said to "feed His sheep" and "care for the least of these." Live that out today, where you are. Radical Christianity begins with radical love for Jesus Christ then a radical, sacrificial love for others.  There is simply no time for playing church. The world needs us to come along beside them and tell His story, covered in extravagant grace with authentic love. With hearts focused on the truth of God's Word and eyes on Jesus, grab someones hand and move as sent people every day in this new reality with clarity.

The Voice Of Martyrs is a non denominational Christian organization dedicated to assisting the persecuted church worldwide. I encourage you to sign up for news alerts by email or follow on social media to keep up with our brothers and sisters around the word under persecution. We must pray for them, not forget them and remind each other that the Gospel is not a game.

"Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; 
and them which suffer adversity, as being 
yourselves also in the body." Hebrews 13:3

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Fight

I probably need an editor for this rant but my fact checker is unavailable. The thing with blogs and anything sent to the wonderful web, you press send and its out there for the world to see. This could be a problem for a blogger that can rant. Yes, a few of you have had the glorious opportunity to sit back or hold the phone while I spend a few moments ranting, some of you may call it whining or dramatizing.  Whatever you call it, get comfy because here it comes.

Faith has nothing to do with  being cheerful all the time or only seeing the good in the world. If you enter the mission of Jesus...your heart breaks. That does not feel good and it does not look good.  Spouting arrogant wisdom and Christian cliches  isn't helpful and is just plain false and damages real Christian community and isolates us from the watching world around us.

Struggling isn't a faith crisis or doubting the power of God.  Life is hard and messy. I would rather curl up in a pew with the Bible and a new moleskine journal unattached to human suffering and sorrow, but I don't see that kind of discipleship in the Bible. I promise you, I have looked!  There are more needs around me than I can attend to. It takes time, tears, perseverance and bravery to go into the darkest places with others. Jesus went there, but he wasn't always chipper about it. His heart broke  "when He saw the crowds, He had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." (Matt. 9:36)

"During His earthly life, He offered prayers and appeals with loud cries and tears to the One who was able to save Him from death, and He was heard because of His reverence." (Hebrews 5:7)

 We are told to have hope and groan at the same time as we wait for redemption in Romans 8:22-25

I hope that there does not come a day when I am no longer affected by fallen humanity around me that I do not grieve. If I had a robe, I would tear it in half and if I had some ashes, I would put them on my head.  I am so weak but He is strong.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness." (2 Cor 12:9)

 I am not crying because God is failing us, I am crying because of suffering, injustice and  sin gripping the lives of many. My God never said, "Focus on the good in your world or people might think you don't trust me".  God wept over His people, "Let my eyes overflow with tears night and day without ceasing; for the virgin daughter, my people, has suffered a grievous wound, a crushing blow"(Jer. 14:17)  "Jesus wept" over the death of His friend. (John 11:35) We are not grieved at God, we are grieved with God, we are not mad at God but with God, we are not fighting against God but beside Him,  "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms"(Eph. 6:12) 

So, fellow brothers and sisters living in the middle of your own personal suffering or living in the middle of other people's real pain, broken marriages, addictions, abuse and injustice, let us not fear real emotion  connected to the fight  and believe it's a lack of faith.

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18)

If anyone tells you, "this is just how the world is, suck it up"  they are most likely not in the fight and sitting on the sidelines or in the comfortable pew mentioned earlier.

As Aaron and Hur held up Moses hands during the battle against the Amalekites when he became tired and weary, so should Christian community  take turns propping up one another in the fight.   

 The Holy Spirit is a comforter for a reason. We will need comfort in the fight. We continue the fight not against but with our good God who redeemed our lives and invited us into this great mission.

"We press on toward the goal to win the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
(Phil. 3:14)


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Acts 1 Came Before Acts 2

Every so often, things I have learned but not connected will come together and I'll see the presence and power of Jesus and the Gospel in ways I have not before.  I begin to see Jesus in magnificent detail and understand God's character in new ways.   He is not a franchised product of a denomination or spokesman for a cause or social justice program.  He is not a dynamic new strategy or technique or new terminology.  He is more than all of this and no one has Him  captured or has the market on Jesus. He is, by the power of the Spirit, redeeming the world to Himself so the name of Jesus will be exalted throughout the earth. But guess who He is using to do it? The Church! The redeemed! Me and you! His children!

I'll let you in on something...I really don't know what I am doing. Most of you are thinking, "Tell me something I don't know!".   I do want to be used by Him.  There is amazing joy that the God of creation, who could do this all by Himself, allows me and you to partner with Him. So, I must seek Him every day, calling on Him in prayer with faith that there is no limit to what He can do.

"Call on me and I will answer you and tell you
great and unsearchable things you do not know."
Jer. 33:3

Hold up!! The GOD of the universe HEARS US!!

The early Christians got this. Right after Jesus commissioned His disciples to "Go make disciples." (Mat. 28:19)  He tells them, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)  He was then "taken into heaven" (Acts 1:11) and the disciples  returned to Jerusalem.

"All these (the disciples) with one accord were devoting
themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary
the mother of Jesus, and His brothers." Acts 1:14

Then, "they were filled with the Holy Spirit"(Acts 2:4) and the early church was born. Acts 1 came before Acts 2. Prayer is a game-changer!

Peter preached Jesus crucified and resurrected and called for repentance and baptism. Over 3,000 people were saved and added to the church. That is a reason to shout "glory!" The rulers and elders were astonished at the boldness of these uneducated, common men. (Acts 4:13) They arrested Peter and John, so they could stop the name of Jesus from spreading. (v.17) Hmmmm....wonder if that worked?? The church didn't sit at home and watch CNN, worry and discuss the evil practices of the world or create a social media war.  They didn't picket the jail or sign a petition. They realized that this was not political but spiritual.  The Church of Jesus Christ gathered and prayed:

"Sovereign Lord,....You made the heaven and the earth and the sea,
and everything in them....Now, Lord, consider their threats and
enable Your servants to speak Your Word with great boldness.
   Stretch out Your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs
and wonders through the name of Your Holy servant, Jesus."
Acts 4:24, 29-30
If you had been standing in that room, would you have been seriously uncomfortable and said, "I just don't do that."?  Maybe I would have. But  how I need the Holy Spirit and boldness so much more than I need comfort.

I have had opportunities to witness how God can send His Holy Spirit in response to prayer.

A young man addicted to pills was discussing his pain with me and I was trying my best effort to navigate the waters that I know little about. I stopped and prayed out loud for him. I prayed  that God would move in his heart and draw the young man to Him. After continuing to talk for a while, he said he wanted to know Christ as his savior and make Him Lord of his life and he prayed. God responded to intercession and petition. God saved him, not by my might, not by my power but by His Spirit!

A few years ago, I attended some monthly gatherings with local churches from various denominations and different cultural and economic backgrounds.  We met with one accord in intentional prayer to call down the presence of God in our county.  I saw this thing called "The Church" become a living, breathing organism.  We were one body, one Spirit, called to one hope, under one Lord. (Eph. 4:4)  The gatherings were filled with the presence of God. Not theatrical melodrama with no substance but real, raw worship in prayer with faith. We would leave being sent out into the world with a burning fire inside, consumed with knowing God more and the people around us knowing Him.  I will be forever changed by experiencing His power through that. He created unity under Christ in a people who would probably have never connected.  The bond continues with our brothers and sisters in Christ, unified through the Spirit

Heavenly Father, May we be a people of prayer that flows out of  a
grateful heart for what You have given through Jesus on the cross.
May we live in repentance, clinging to your grace and mercy,
encouraging each other as the Body of Christ to live a life
  worthy of our calling. Then, may we also be a people who act in faith
that you are who You say You are and will do what You said You'd do.
May we draw near to You in our prayer closets and in our gathering
places as Your  people to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit. That
the Holy Spirit begin a new work of grace in us. May Jesus be lifted
up and we see His majesty to the praise of His glorious grace.-Amen